Was such a unique experience covering a Ukrainian wedding, I really enjoyed it. I just hope its not too long before I do another.. Enjoy the photos they are a lovely account of a beautiful occasion. Congratulations and Thank you xx
I love the details.. The beautiful things that makes a wedding unique for each bride..
Bridesmaids gifts chosen with love.. Just like the girls themselves..
Aw make up shots.. A great time to play with natural light..
The Ushers working hard, to make sure all runs well.
Our chosen guests..
And of cause the groom.. Looking very smart.
Here she is.. And how gorgeous does she look.. Dad looks very proud too.
Love the ceremony. The bride and groom looking stunning and very happy.
Yes we did it....
First shots alone.. to last a lifetime..
Mother of the bride.. What a special day
Our cake.. mmm
Laughs smiles and tears.. Speech time..
Lets party........